Sink Your Teeth Into the Facts About Shark Teeth in Children

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One of the most commonly asked questions from parents at our pediatric dental office pertains to the fascinating dental incidence commonly referred to as “shark teeth”. While not as menacing as they may sound, shark teeth can present an intriguing yet manageable challenge for parents and dental professionals alike.

Understanding Shark Teeth

Shark teeth refer to a phenomenon where a child’s permanent teeth erupt behind their baby teeth, creating a double row of teeth. This occurrence is most common in the lower front teeth but can also happen in the upper arch. The name “shark teeth” draws parallels to the multiple rows of teeth seen in some shark species.

Causes of Shark Teeth

The primary cause of shark teeth in children is the delayed loss of baby teeth. In a typical scenario, a child’s permanent teeth begin to push through the gums, causing the roots of the baby teeth to resorb and eventually fall out. However, if a baby tooth remains firmly in place, the permanent tooth may emerge beside it, leading to the appearance of shark teeth.

Managing Shark Teeth

While shark teeth can be a cause for concern, especially if left unaddressed, it’s essential to understand that this phenomenon is generally a natural part of a child’s dental development.

1. Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups for your child, starting from a young age. Our pediatric dentists are trained to identify and address dental issues like shark teeth early on.

2. Monitor Tooth Loss: Keep an eye on your child’s baby teeth as they begin to loosen. If a baby tooth shows resistance to falling out, mention this at your next visit with us.

3. Professional Intervention: In some cases, one of our pediatric dentists may need to intervene by manually extracting the stubborn baby tooth to allow the permanent tooth to align correctly.

4. Encourage Gentle Wiggling: Teach your child the importance of wiggling loose baby teeth gently. This can help facilitate the natural process of tooth loss.

5. Avoid Forceful Extraction: It’s crucial not to attempt forceful extraction of a baby tooth at home. This can cause unnecessary pain and potential damage to the surrounding tissues.

While shark teeth in children may sound intimidating, with proper awareness and timely intervention they can be effectively managed. Staying informed and maintaining regular dental visits are essential steps in ensuring that your child’s oral health is on the right track. Embrace your child’s journey of dental development, and rest assured that our team at Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph is here to guide you every step of the way. If you have additional questions about shark teeth or are concerned about shark teeth in your child, we invite you to give us a call at 973-989-7970 today!