What Makes A Dental Practice Special

When you choose a practice, you do so with the expectation of getting the best care possible. What makes a practice truly special and stands above its competition is exceptional care and compassion from the providers and the front desk staff. The very best practices have individuals answering the phones and working their reception desks that back up excellent medical... read more »

Lip Biting After Dental Treatment Becomes More Prevalent During COVID-19

What to watch for after your little one has dental treatment. Lip biting, especially for children, has always been a potential complication of any dental treatment involving local anesthesia.  When a child’s mouth has been numbed for a dental procedure it is difficult for them to know, or even feel, if they are biting their lip or the inside of... read more »

How To Make Brushing And Flossing Fun For Your Child

There are few more important things a parent can do to enhance their child’s opportunity for a lifetime of good oral health than to help your child develop a mindset that brushing and flossing are a fundamental part of taking care of their body. Below are six steps to get your child on the path to making oral care routines... read more »

Lip And Tongue Ties In Babies

How they impact your baby and when to have them corrected Often when a baby’s ability to feed and thrive is compromised it is a result of a Lip and/or Tongue Tie requiring a revision.   A Lip Tie is caused by a piece of tissue behind the upper lip, called the frenulum, being too thick or too stiff which prevents the upper lip from moving... read more »

Yes! Kids Can Get Gingivitis

Here’s how to know if your child has it, how to treat & prevent it. First of all, what exactly is gingivitis?  Gingivitis, is caused by excessive plaque buildup. If plaque is not removed, it produces toxins that can irritate the gum tissue causing gingivitis. 5 indicators that your child has gingivitis: 1 – Gums that bleed during or after brushing. 2... read more »

Tooth Injuries – What do I do?

Chipped Teeth If your child chips a tooth you should give us a call to arrange an appointment to evaluate the affected tooth and surrounding tooth structures.  Depending on the size of the chip, we may need to smoothen or repair the tooth with a white bonded filling.  Going forward, we will continue to evaluate the tooth to make sure... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through... read more »