Healthy Back To School Snack Ideas

With the start of a new school year right around the corner, many parents are looking for healthy snack options that taste great. The good news is that grocery stores now have more creative and healthy options for your kids than ever before. As you navigate the supermarket aisles for healthy back-to-school snacks youshould be looking for foods that are... read more »

What You Should Know about Caring for Your Child’s Teeth

Many new parents are often unsure about proper oral care for their children.  One of our missions is to educate parents about the oral hygiene needs of babies, toddlers and young children and how oral care should evolve as a child grows. The dentists and hygienists at Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph are all experts in the oral care of... read more »

When Should My Child First See a Dentist?

We follow the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations which state that a child’s first visit to the dentist should occur when the first baby teeth appear or by their first birthday. Our goal is to establish a Dental Home for your child, an ongoing relationship between our pediatric dentist and your child, allowing care... read more »

How to Make Dental Care Fun for Kids

One of the best ways to help children embrace dental care, whether at home or at our office, is to help them realize how fun it can be. It’s not enough to convince children that brushing and flossing are necessary. It’s equally important that children enjoy themselves. With this mindset, they can practice good oral hygiene on their own without... read more »

The Best Tips on Managing Pediatric Dental Anxiety

Here at Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph, we are committed to making sure that every visit to our office is a positive experience.  One of the ways we differentiate our practice from the rest is by doing everything we can to make sure our young patients are relaxed, unafraid and actually have fun when visiting our office.  We understand children.... read more »

What Is Composite Filling and How Will It Help My Child?

If your child is found to have a cavity, a composite filling will be used to fill the space where the decayed part of the tooth was.  The composite resin is actually made of porcelain mixed with either quartz or glass. Composite fillings  look and feel  virtually the same as natural teeth. The use of composite fillings are much better... read more »

How Do I Choose the Right Toothpaste for My Child?

The selection of toothpaste at the grocery store seems to grow weekly. With a little knowledge about what’s best for your little one, you can successfully navigate this isle and make a toothpaste selection that will make you happy and your child eager to brush. From the time the first teeth begin to erupt until all permanent teeth come in... read more »

The Importance of Baby Teeth

At Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph, we are passionate about children’s teeth. Aside from our dedication to caring for kids pearly whites, our other passion is to educate both children and their caregivers on all things impacting optimal oral health. Often adults don’t truly appreciate the important role baby teeth play in a child’s development. Sure those cute little teeth... read more »

What Is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

At Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph one of the options, we may recommend for treating cavities in baby teeth is the application of silver diamine fluoride to affected teeth. The great appeal of using silver diamine fluoride on cavities is that it stops both the development and the spread of decay without the need to drill into the tooth. This... read more »