Sedation Dentistry

Is Sedation Dentistry safe?
Performing dentistry under anesthesia is a very safe method of treating multiple quadrants during one visit. It is always performed under the care of a board certified anesthesiologist.

When is sedation dentistry recommended?
Sedation Dentistry is recommended for patients needing significant dental treatment. The primary benefit of sedation dentistry is that all treatment is performed in a single visit rather than separating it into multiple treatment appointments. It is also intended for patients that are unable to sit through dental treatment, such as patients that are very young, patients with disabilities or acute situational anxiety.

What are the costs associated with sedation dentistry?
Our Surgical Coordinator, Erika, can best help you determine your costs which are dependent on the treatment your child needs and your insurance coverage. Erika will assist with obtaining predetermination from your insurance prior to the procedure.

Where is the sedation dentistry preformed?
Our Pediatric Dentists treat patients with sedation dentistry at Morristown Medical Center and in the comfort of our office with a board certified anesthesiologist.

What are the benefits of choosing sedation?
For patients needing significant dental work, sedation can be ideal because it enables our Pediatric Dentist to treat all affected areas at once leaving the patient cavity free. Sedation also allows our Pediatric Dentists to complete full x-rays under sedation.

Dental Anxiety

My child doesn’t like doctor’s offices. How do I prepare them for their first visit?
Many kids transfer their fears of the pediatrician into fears of going to the dentist because they visit the pediatrician when they are sick or when they are in need of vaccines. To combat this, explain to your child that going to the dentist is very different. Most importantly, do not to transfer any previous negative experience from past dental treatment onto your child. Remain positive. Explain to your child that a dental check-up just involves cleaning their teeth and possibly taking x-rays to check for any decay. Our team of hygienists and pediatric dentists will explain everything as they go while doing their best to empower, educate and make your child as comfortable as possible. To prepare your child for what to expect, one of our Hygienists has written a great book which explains everything that happens during the visit Anthonys Toothy Teamwork Tale.

Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment

How do I know if my baby has a lip or tongue tie?
The primary sign that a baby has a lip or tongue tie is that they have difficulty feeding. Deciding whether a tie requires treatment is determined through first having an examination by a Certified Lactation Consultant and then a consultation with Dr. Matt where he will examine your baby. If the tie needs releasing, often Dr. Matt will do the procedure right at the same visit.

Special Needs Dentistry

How do I find a special needs dentist?
Because of their education and training, Pediatric Dentists are uniquely prepared to care for and treat patients of any age that have special needs. Whether the patient has developmental or physical disabilities, the dental hygienists and pediatric dentists at Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph have the skill and compassion to provide optimal dental care.

First Dental Visit

When should my child start seeing a dentist?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend that children have their first dental visit with the eruption of the first baby teeth or by their first birthday. At Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph, we encourage this by providing free dental exams for kids under 2. At these under two visits we review oral care routines and diet and make sure that your child’s teeth are coming in properly.