A Mouthguard Is the Most Important Piece of Sporting Equipment You Can Give Your Child

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In our office we see far too many children with damage to teeth that could have been prevented by wearing a mouth guard.

Children who don’t wear mouth guards playing sports are 60 times more likely to harm their teeth. These injuries often result in permanent damage even after medical intervention. Yet, most parents will admit that their children do not wear a mouth guard during organized sports.  While some sports like football and field hockey require kids to wear a mouth guard, many sports such as baseball, soccer and basketball do not.

As you ready your children for spring sports, please keep in mind that mouth guards have been proven to dramatically decrease the risk of oral injuries and they are also one of the least expensive pieces of protective sports equipment available. Not only do mouthguards save teeth, they help protect jaws and can also prevent traumatic injuries such as concussions.

The most effective mouth guard should be comfortable, covering the teeth and depending on the patient’s bite, also the gums. It should also be durable, easily cleaned, and not restrict speech or breathing.  We believe if you start your child out wearing a mouthguard while they are young it will be a natural routine to always reach for a mouthguard when suiting up for play or practice.

At Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph, Dr. Mannella, Dr. Marybeth and Dr. Russo are happy to recommend the best option of dental protection for your child.  Our mission in caring for your children’s dental health goes beyond simply reminding them to brush and floss regularly.  By discussing the various types of mouthguards available, from those custom-made in our office, to ready-to-wear ones available at any sporting goods store, you can make an informed decision on how to best protect your child.

It is important to remember damaged teeth do not grow back. Our motto at Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph is “We make smiles happen”. Protect that perfect smile – always insist that your child wear a mouthguard.

Please call our office at 973-989-7970 for an appointment to discuss the use of mouthguards or any concerns you have about your children’s dental and oral health.